1.4.0-beta2 (2014-01-07) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Feature: Blitter autoselection is now based on full animation state, so a non-animated specialised blitter will generally be chosen when animation is turned off (r26217) - Feature: Specialised animated SSE4 blitter, and non-animated SSE4.1, SSSE3 and SSE2 blitters, improving the blitting significantly in many situations (r26214, r26213, r26212, r26211) - Feature: Specialised SSE 4.1 sprite sorter, improving the sorting performance significantly (r26205) - Fix: Validate everything from ini, obg, obs, obs, ... files [FS#5829] (r26206) - Fix: Allow refitting at station if cargo has already been reserved (r26187) - Fix: Visual effects did not work for articulated RV parts (r26180)